The 20th Century

We begin year 10 by looking at one of the most momentous centuries in history – the 20th century.

In the 100 years from 1900 – 2000 there was MASSIVE changes to the world, good and bad. The world in which we live now is shaped totally by what happened in the 20th Century. It is your task to study these changes and begin to understand them. 



Many people see the terrible things about the 20th century first:

1. DEVASTATING WARS Never before in history has there been as many wars!     Two World wars killed over 70 million people! That’s more people than the UK and Ireland! Other wars such as Vietnam, Korea and the Gulf wars would also kill many people. Worst of all humans would actually plan the murder of people simply because they were ‘different.’ (The Holocaust)
2) TERRIFYING WEAPONSNew technology would lead to new terrifying weapons. Planes became bombers. Tanks were used. Submarines and aircraft carriers became common. 
Poison gas was used
By 1945 nuclear weapons were created & used. 

Throughout the century factories have pumped out huge amounts of pollution from oil, gas and fossil fuels.
Large areas of the world’s environment have been destroyed. For example the Amazon rain forest has declined significantly. Some lakes and rivers are drying up Production of CFC’s has led to the Greenhouse effect with temperatures and sea levels rising.

Now Let’s have a look at the good changes…

Mobile phones, broadband internet and email have taken over from older forms of communication such as letters, fixed telephone lines and telegraph. 
2) BETTER TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY Planes carry people quickly across the world. Trains & buses are used to transport millions each day. 
Supertankers carry massive amounts of cargo such as oil 
The 20th Century gave people a lot more freedom for the first time. Human rights would become important and guarantee people basic rights.
Women around the world began to be given rights such as the right to vote and the right to have the jobs they wished. Religious and racial discrimination became illegal in many countries. People could get jobs based on their ability The vote was given to many more peopleOrganisations like the United Nations protect Human rights.
4) NEW FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENTNew technology has transformed the way we spend our free times.
Music and voice could be recorded and played back at the start of the century. By the end of the century iPods could hold hundreds of songs!
Cinemas became hugely popular as well as radio, television and later the internet. 
Movies and games production became a multi billion pound industry
The 20th Century was amazing for the different types of music it produced.
Music styles like Jazz, Blues, Rock and Roll, Pop, Indie, Reggae, Soul, Techno, Punk, Ska and Grunge became very fashionable. Artists like Elvis Presley, the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and Michael Jackson became Superstars!
From Jazz to R&B it has been a century of change and amazing music!
Fashions have changed dramatically in 100 years!6) NEW FASHIONS AND STYLES
The 20th Century had many different styles of fashion and style.
The style was very formal at the beginning of the CenturyWomen began to become a lot more free in the 1920’s and dressed differently. After the war styles began to change with stars like Marilyn Monroe becoming icons. The 1960’s and 70’s became very daring showing how far fashion had come! 
Man has used the 20th century to travel to both Poles, to climb Everest the highest mountain, to explore the deepest oceans and even to reach Space.
This has greatly increased mankind’s knowledge of the world
Explorers have reached the highest mountains, deepest oceans and even space!
New medicines, types of surgery and treatment mean we live much longer8) MEDICAL ADVANCES 
In 1900 the average person in Britain and Ireland could expect to live to just 48!!In 2011 a man has a life expectancy of 79 and a woman 81!!!The 20th century has witnessed amazing progress in medicineScientists have been able to fight infections with new drugs like Penicillin.Surgeons can now do Heart, liver and even face transplants!A huge DNA database has opened the door to massive new discoveries.A Welfare state means we do not have to fear getting sick, losing our jobs or paying for hugely expensive medical bills. 
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